Havant FOE Newsletter - August 2024

Effluent Recycling Scheme

The consultation on this has just closed but you can read our case against it on the Havant Matters website

There is another consultation about the pipeline route and responses need to be sent by Tuesday 6th August 2024.

Comments would be useful as this is a major project passing through very densely populated residential areas and close to buildings such as schools and open green spaces. There will also be lengthy footpath closures and impact on the highway.

Read the planning application on the Havant Borough Council website

Havant Climate Alliance Meeting

Monday 12th August 2024
Start: 9.30am

We thought we’d try a daytime meeting as people are so busy in the evenings.

If you’d like the link to the meeting, please email us at [email protected]

Great Big Green Celebration – Via ZOOM

Date: Saturday 28th August 2024
Start: 6:30pm – 7:30pm

The Great Big Green Week is all about celebrating community action, so we want to invite you to come together with other event organisers and celebrate the all the amazing work that communities like yours did in the lead up to and during Great Big Green Week 2024.

If you got involved, join us for a virtual Great Big Green Celebration to take a look at some highlights from Great Big Green Week this year. We’ll also share some headline findings from our evaluation, and some of the recommendations we’ll be taking forward for next year.

Click here to reserve your place

You’ll be sent a ZOOM link once you have signed up.


Date: Saturday 14th September 2024
Time: 10am – 4pm

We’re really happy to be hosting this conference on water in partnership with Havant Green Party. We have some excellent speakers lined up so do get the date in your dairies. More details and tickets available soon.

We need to talk seriously about Reservoirs, Rivers & Seas. Plans are going ahead without people knowing, to continue pollution of our seas and rivers, and to make recycled sewage effluent water pour through our taps to drink.

If you are interested in the health of your sea life, river life, your kids’ health, your own health, the health of our animals and wildlife, then come to the ‘GREEN CONFERENCE’ to hear talks and opinions about our precious WATER.

Climate Day of Action

Date: Saturday 12th October 2024

The Climate Coalition is asking people to mark the first 100 days of a Labour Government by meeting MPs and FOE is especially keen to call for a new climate action plan

Together with the Good Law Project and Client Earth, FOE recently defeated the UK government in court for a second time over its main climate strategy to reduce carbon emissions and help reach net zero. Find out more about What’s the UK’s climate plan now and why do we need a new one?

International Repair Day

Date: Saturday 19th October 2024

Repair Cafe Havant will be celebrating by running a pop-up repair café in the Meridian Centre.

What is the Fossil Fuel Treaty?

A growing global movement, spearheaded by governments in the global south, for a much-needed Fossil Fuel Treaty.

It would create a fast path to a fair global phase out of fossil fuels, which would stop fossil fuel expansion in its tracks and ensure a globally just transition to clean energy.

The Fossil Fuel Treaty would create a global framework for the phase out, with three pillars: Non-proliferation, a fair phase out and just transition. Lots of governments have signed up ours should do the same.

Find out more and ask the Government to take action

Southampton Climate Action Network

SoCAN have launched a new film on YouTube on Doughnut Economics called Local is the new Global and it’s really worth watching. There’s a useful summary of their work on Doughnut Economics, and Community Wealth Building which you can find on the SoCAN website

Greening Campaign

There are loads of new initiatives around Hampshire and you can read more in this newsletter.

In Memorium: Margaret Lockyer

We are very sad to report the death of Margaret Lockyer who was a key member of our group.

If you’d like to send a message of condolence or make a donation to the Rowans Hospice in her memory please click here


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