Friends of the Earth Week of Action for a Green and Fair Recovery

This week – 5th to the 11th October – is FOE’s week of action on climate and they are asking us to publicise the idea of a green recovery as widely as possible. What we’d also like to do in Havant Borough is to collect ideas for local initiatives which we can later share with Havant Borough Council.

We’ve worked out a series of posts for Facebook and Twitter around Havant, so one thing we’d love you to do is to share these with people outside our normal networks. The posts call for things like green jobs, renewable energy, greener transport options etc so hopefully people will respond on different topics. Please put your suggestions down too to make it interesting.

Please use the hashtag #havantclimateaction so that we can track comments and tweets to find all the suggestions.

If you don’t use social media, maybe you could write to the News or send us your ideas anyway and we will pass them on the Havant Borough Council. Send them to [email protected]

You can read more here

We’ve already sent a joint letter from a number of organisations to Alan Mak on Build Back Better so we are encouraging people to sign the similar set of demands from the Climate Coalition. They are getting these ready for the government in the lead-up to the Autumn spending review and the more signatures the better.

You can see and sign the Declaration here

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