Concerns raised about potential development of ‘unique’ field in Langstone

Southmere Field, Langstone

Published in the Portsmouth News on the 27th June 2017


CAMPAIGNERS have raised concerns about the future of a meadow which they claim is among the last of its kind in the area.

Southmere Field, in Langstone, is listed as a potential site for development under Havant Borough Council’s Local Plan 2036.

The plan sets out the blueprint for the 11,250 new homes required across the Havant borough by 2036.

Ray Cobbett, co-ordinator of the Havant branch of campaign group Friends of the Earth, said: ‘The field is owned by Fasset Ltd, and could house 120 new dwellings.

‘The agricultural grade 1 site is one of the very few areas of farm land which hasn’t ever been ploughed.

‘It also hasn’t been chemically fertilised in 10 years.

‘This makes the field a unique home for a variety of birds, bees and butterflies as well as a habitat for other creatures.

‘We’re well aware the council is desperate for land to meet its housing targets, but it also has a responsibility to balance development with protecting our natural environment.’