Public meeting unites those against drinking water pollution

Markwells Wood Watch protested against the proposed oil drilling outside Portsmouth Guildhall last month

Published in the Portsmouth News on the 19th December 2016

Story by: Tamara Siddiqui


MORE THAN 2,000 objections have now been lodged against an oil company’s bid to drill four oil wells in a national park.

And there could be more – as concerned members of the public met Markwells Wood Watch, a pressure group opposed to the industrial oil development, to discuss the progress of the case.

UK Oil and Gas (Ukog) wants to drill in the South Downs National Park.

Residents gathered at Forestside and Stansted Village Hall to learn that although it’s not considered hydraulic fracturing (fracking), a process known as acidisation or acid fracking would be used to ease the release of oil.

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