Bid to build homes on orchard sparks huge opposition

Maybush Copse

Published in the Portsmouth News on the 24th April 2014

PLANS for a housing development on a 170-year-old orchard near Emsworth have sparked massive opposition.

Havant Friends of the Earth has written to Chichester District Council, pleading with planners to refuse the plans for 25 homes on land east of Cot Lane, Chidham, known locally as Maybush Copse.

Campaigners argue the development would further erode the green gap between Emsworth and Chichester, harm wildlife and have an impact on the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Well over 150 written objections have been received.

Ray Cobbett, co-ordinator for Havant Friends of The Earth, from Emsworth, said: ‘Land south of the A259 is highly sensitive and least preferred for developments such as the one being proposed.

‘Although it is not a designated area as such it is near enough to the AONB and other protected sites to cause concern.

‘As it stands the A259 in that area forms a well-defined border between development to the north and conservation to the south of the road.

‘There are alternative and more appropriate sites in the same area to fulfil the council’s housing quota.

‘The orchard itself is rich in biodiversity with at least one protected species as well as bats, red-listed birds and other wild flora and fauna forming a wildlife corridor.

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