Wirelessly charged electric buses set for Milton Keynes

Published on the BBC News website on 9th January 2014

Story by Neil Bowdler, Science and technology reporter


Electric buses which their developers say can run all day are set to begin service.

A fleet of eight new electric vehicles will operate along a busy route in Milton Keynes from late January.

The buses can run for longer by virtue of a wireless booster charge they receive at the start and end of the route from plates in the road.

The buses are the first of their kind to operate in the UK.

Inductive charging

The fleet will run on the Number 7 route, which covers 25km (15 miles) between the Milton Keynes suburbs of Wolverton and Bletchley and carries an estimated 800,000 passengers a year.

After a night charging at the depot, the buses will receive booster charges throughout the day at the start and end of the route.

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