Meanwhile, another solar farm takes shape...

Solar Farm Outines

OUTLINE: The frames at the Newgate Lane solar farm. Picture: Allan Hutchings (133610-024)

Published in the Portsmouth News on 28th December 2013

Story by Kimberley Barber


ONCE it’s built, it will generate enough energy to power 5,500 homes and will have sheep grazing underneath it

The controversial 66-acre solar farm, on Newgate Lane, Fareham, is nearing completion as work continues to erect 90,000 solar panels.

The solar farm, called Newlands after the nearby farm, will stay on the fields on the strategic gap between Fareham and Stubbington for 25 years.

The site is expected to be finished by the end of February 2014.

The company behind the plans, Vogt Solar, intends to carry out conservation work to protect hedgehogs, robins, stag beetles and sparrows.