Call for stronger rules to prevent fracking in Hampshire

Published in the Portsmouth News on Thursday 7th November 2013

Story by Jeff Travis


CAMPAIGNERS have criticised the county council for not taking a tougher stance against fracking

Councillors at Tory-led Hampshire County Council are recommending each potential application for fracking is considered on its merits.

Green groups, who oppose the extraction of shale gas from rocks deep beneath the ground, were hoping the council would make a more resolute stance against fracking as other councils, such as Brighton, are considering becoming fracking-free zones.

Members of the environment and transportation select committee considered a motion, raised by councillor Adam Carew, to consider ‘the controversial impact of fracking’.

Councillor Sharyn Wheale, chairwoman of the committee, said: ‘A number of members initially had concerns about fracking, but after being briefed on the subject had been reassured. Members were more confident in the regulations in place to manage the risks, particularly the prospect of continuous monitoring.’

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