Campaign to stop fracking gathers pace in Emsworth

Published in the Portsmouth News on Wednesday 23rd October 2013


CAMPAIGNERS have sent frackers a clear message: ‘You’re not welcome here’

Environmentalists gathered in Emsworth and spoke to members of the public about why they think fracking is dangerous and should not be developed in Hampshire and West Sussex.

As reported, there are several areas earmarked for possible oil and gas exploration around Havant, Horndean, Hambledon, and Chichester and campaigners fear fracking will one day be developed. The process involves pumping chemical-laden water deep into the ground to fracture ancient rocks and extract shale gas.

Campaigners are worried about the dangers of water contamination, particularly in the South Downs, which is known for its spring water.

People have collected scores of red cards, saying ‘The Fracking Word is a Dirty Word’ and will send these to Councillor Roy Perry, the leader of Hampshire County Council.

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