Concern over threat of fracking in the area

Published in the Portsmouth News on 11th October 2013


CAMPAIGNERS worried about the impact of fracking on the environment have written to their MEP urging her and other UK MEPs to support tough new controls

Ray Cobbett, from Hampshire Friends of the Earth, wrote to Sharon Bowles, MEP for the south east saying an environmental impact assessment should be made at all stages of the drilling and extraction process.

‘We’ve seen for ourselves the often dramatic effect of cowboy drilling on whole communities in the US,’ said Mr Cobbett.

He said parts of Havant, East Hampshire and West Sussex are already licensed for oil explorations and with further planning approval could become future fracking sites.

‘The safest option is to leave it in the ground but with the government firmly encouraging drilling we need the maximum protection for our water supplies and landscapes,’ Mr Cobbett added.

Meanwhile Solent Frackoff Action Group is holding a public meeting on 23rd October at 7pm at the Sacred Church, Hart Plain Avenue, Waterlooville.

There will be a short film and a talk from Helz Cuppleditch, from Frack Free Arun.