Guide on going greener gets the crowds out in Havant

PRODUCE Debbie Bloch and her stall Wayside Organics at Green Fair at Havant Park, Havant. Picture: Allan Hutchings (132519-120)

Published in the Portsmouth News on the 16th September 2013

by Kimberley Barber


SCORES of people spent a day in the park to learn about how they can have a positive impact on the planet.

Havant Borough Council organised the Havant Goes Greener event along with Havant Friends of the Earth.

Around 40 stalls were set up in Havant Park on Saturday, with live music and fun activities, for the third year running.

The aim is to show how small changes, when added together, can make a big difference, while raising awareness of ways of living a greener lifestyle.

Ray Cobbett, from Friends of the Earth, was at the event on a stall.

He said: ‘The essence of why we hold this fair is a celebration of all that’s green in the borough, particularly people that are making it and keeping it green.

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