Concerns raised over decline in species


Published in the Portsmouth News on 22nd May 2013


A NEW wildlife report has revealed that wildlife species in Hampshire are in decline

The State of Nature report, which was launched by Sir David Attenborough and conservation charities, revealed there is only one population of native white-clawed crayfish left in the county.

National figures show the population of the creature has declined by 95 per cent since the 1970s. The marsh fritillary butterfly, which was once found in wet meadows in north Hampshire, is now extinct.

Chris Corrigan, RSPB south east regional director, said: ‘The south east’s wildlife reflects the declines that this new report highlights. The region has consistently shown the greatest declines in both the farmland and woodland bird indicator lists and there is nothing to suggest that these declines are slowing.

‘From the mudflats and grazing marshes of North Kent through the downland in Sussex and the heathland of Hampshire and Surrey, wildlife is under threat. The RSPB, together with a whole range of other conservation bodies and, perhaps more importantly individual landowners, is working hard to protect the wildlife that we have left.’

Click Here to find out more on the RSPB State of Nature website