Cycling could help the motorist and improve health

Ray Cobbett

Published in the Portsmouth News on Monday 14th January 2013

Story by Community View columnist Ray Cobbett


The inconvenient truth is that the UK is not a very bike friendly nation, although there are some welcome signs.

London leads the way with its cycling mayor and the Sir Bradley Wiggins factor is doing wonders for bike sales.

Locally, some slug it out in the press over road and pavement space often involving people who walk, drive or cycle or do all three. Anti-social behaviour is not exclusive to any one group.

Portsmouth Friends of the Earth focus a lot on transport and support cycling. Each year it holds an annual ride to test out all the bike routes across the city. There are very active Friends of the Earth groups in Fareham and Gosport too. Havant Council already has more than 10 miles of cycle paths on and off road and more are planned, funded by developer contributions and the biking charity Sustrans.

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