Tony Juniper - What has nature ever done for us?

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From Indian vultures to Chinese bees, nature provides the ‘natural services’ that keep the economy going. From the recycling miracles in the soil; an army of predators ridding us of unwanted pests; an abundance of life creating a genetic codebook that underpins our food, pharmaceutical industries and much more.

It has been estimated that these and other services are each year worth about double global GDP. Yet we take most of Nature’s services for granted, imagining them free and limitless… until they suddenly switch off.

This is a book full of immediate, impactful stories, containing both warnings (such as in the tale of India’s vultures, killed off by drugs given to cattle, leading to an epidemic of rabies) but also the positive (how birds protect fruit harvests, coral reefs protect coasts from storms and how the rainforests absorb billions of tonnes of carbon released from cars and power stations).

Tony Juniper’s book will change the whole way you think about life, the planet and the economy.

Tony Juniper is well-known as a campaigner, writer, sustainability advisor and leading environmentalist recognised among other activities for his work as Executive Director of Friends of the Earth, England, Wales and Northern Ireland and Vice Chair of Friends of the Earth International from 2000-2008.

He will be discussing his work and his new book, ‘What Has Nature Ever Done For Us?’ with Dr David Hutchinson from University of Portsmouth.

Here’s a video of Tony Juniper talking at TedXExeter last year:

Visit to learn more about his work and follow @TonyJuniper on Twitter.