Thousands of trees to be planted across Havant for a generation

Published in the Portsmouth News on Monday 5th November 2012

Story by Elise Brewerton


Havant schools, parks and streets to benefit from thousands of new trees

More than £25,000 has been granted to Havant Borough Tree Wardens to plant 5,600 trees in streets, parks, schools and conservation areas.

It is part of the Big Tree Plant, a scheme from Defra and the Forestry Commission, which is giving out £4m over five years to plant one million trees.

Trees to be planted include Crab Apple, Oak, Hazel, Birch and Lime.

Frances Jannaway, co-ordinator for Havant Borough Tree Wardens, spent months working on the bid.

She said: ‘I feel quite relieved to be honest. It took a lot of work to get it all agreed.

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