Chicken run at Havant green week


Published in the Portsmouth News on Thursday 21st June 2012


LOTS of people dream about leaving the rat race for the good life, and yesterday Becky Dunn demonstrated how you can have a slice of it in your own back yard.
Becky was running a workshop on how to keep chickens as part of Havant Goes Greener Week.

It was one of dozens of events taking place across the borough where the public can learn how, by making small changes to their lives, they can make a big difference to the environment.

Becky, a partner with green group the Havant Transition Network, said: ‘I feel strongly about the battery hen industry so I try to do my little bit by adopting hens from battery farms and giving them a new life.

‘In my workshop I teach everything from where to get them, what to feed them, how to house them and I talk about how they make fantastic pets because of their good characters.’

Becky will be exhibiting her artwork, made of rubbish, at the Havant Green Family Fair in Havant Park on Saturday.