Plans for new homes for Havant and Bedhampton on show

INSPECTION Gary Till examines plans. Picture: Allan Hutchings: (121691-341)

Published in the Portsmouth News on Wednesday 16th May 2012


HUNDREDS of people crowded in to see plans for the future of Havant and Bedhampton.

Havant Borough Council laid three options on the table yesterday at the public exhibition on the number of homes which need to be built in the area.

Gary Till, a 54-year-old builder, was one of those keen to see what is planned for Old Bedhampton.

Mr Till, of Lower Road, said: ‘There are 50 homes planned for Lower Road and it’s outrageous.

‘It’s farmland at the moment bordered by a conservation area.

‘There’s 80-odd houses there at the moment and they originally planned 250 more but that’s been reduced to 50 – which is still too many.’

The council is carrying out an informal consultation on housing allocation across the area throughout the month.

The next meeting is at Tesco, Greywell Precinct, Leigh Park on 23rd May from 11am to 2pm and The Hub, Park Parade, from 6pm to 8pm.

That is followed by the United Reformed Church, Hollow Lane, Hayling on 24th May from 11am to 2pm and again from 6pm to 8pm.

Waterlooville Library is on 30th May from 11am to 2pm. The Public Service Plaza will host an all areas exhibition on 30th May from 6pm to 8pm.