Bid for £6m scheme to save Hayling Island homes from flood

UNDER THREAT: Eastoke on Hayling Island

Published in the Portsmouth News on Friday 20th April 2012

Story by Jeff Travis


MINISTERS were today called on to stump up around £6m to help protect hundreds of homes from flooding.

It comes as residents welcome ambitious plans to protect the Eastoke peninsula on Hayling.

Havant Borough Council is poised to make a bid for government funding in June.

Without the new defences, experts say up to 400 homes, together worth around £50m, could face serious flooding.

And parts of the peninsula – including a protected nature reserve – could start disappearing to the sea within 30 years.

Scores of residents viewed the plans at Hayling Island Sailing Club.

The plans focus around the Sandy Point Nature Reserve, where timber groynes have decayed and desperately need replacing.

The council already dumps piles of shingle along the beach at Eastoke, which experiences huge waves from the Atlantic.

The council wants to build an improved sea wall, groynes consisting of rock rather than timber, and new rock barriers.

More than 70,000 tons of rock would be dumped along the coastline.

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