Check out plans for £6m flooding defence scheme for Hayling Island

Published in the Portsmouth News on Tuesday 10th April 2012

Story by Jeff Travis


PLANS to protect 1,700 homes from coastal flooding are to go on show.

Havant Borough Council is aiming to apply for about £6m from the government to protect low-lying homes and a nature reserve at Eastoke peninsula on Hayling Island.

The area is vulnerable to large waves and suffered a major flood in 2005.

Residents will be asked for their views on the plans, which include new rock barriers, groynes and a splash wall.

And the message from the experts is that doing nothing on the peninsula would be a big mistake.

The council, which tops up the shoreline with extra shingle every year, commissioned scientists from HR Wallingford to study the vulnerable coastline.

If all flood protection measures were discontinued, it found parts of the coastline would start disappearing after 25 years, with the coast retreating more than 7ft every year.

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