Traffic fears over new Havant estate

DESIGNS Raymond Barnes, his wife Stella Barnes and Paul Searley study plans in St Faith’s Church Hall, Havant. Picture: Allan Hutchings (120784-844)

Published in the Portsmouth News on Wednesday 7th March 2012


CONCERNED residents gathered at an exhibition of plans for 200 new homes.

David Wilson Homes and the Generator Group want to build on part of the land that separates Havant and Emsworth, But homeowners at yesterday’s event at St Faith’s Church Hall say they fear traffic problems caused by the level crossing at Warblington station, in Southleigh Road, will only be made worse by the development.

Paul Searley, of Fifth Avenue, said: ‘I am 100 per cent against it. The traffic is already terrible.’
Chris Slack, a transport consultant for the developers, said a footbridge would improve the problems though many residents disagree.