Thousands of new homes for Havant

Published in the Portsmouth News on Wednesday 7th March 2012

Story by Jeff Travis


THE first details of where thousands of new homes could be built across Havant and Waterlooville have been revealed.

More than 80 plots are being considered as potential housing sites, including farmland, car parks, recreation grounds, allotments and school playing fields.

A handful have planning permission for housing, but the vast majority of the sites do not.

The locations have been outlined by Havant Borough Council and will go out for public consultation in May and June.

The council has agreed with the government a housing target of 6,300 new homes between now and 2026.

Space has already been found for 2,691 homes with big developments such as the Waterlooville Major Development Area taking a large chunk.

Now the council has to find room for a total of 3,609 more homes in the borough.

Most of the sites have been put forward by landowners expressing an interest in them being developed.

Residents’ group leaders said they recognised the need for new houses for young people, but were worried about loss of green belt and community spaces.

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