Planting for the future

Tree planting at Hayling College, having been given 200 to plant, L-R former mayor Yvonne Weeks, pupils India Johnson 12, Amy Cook 12, Joanna Trigg 13. Picture: Paul Jacobs (114215-2)

Published in the Portsmouth News on Thursday 1st December 2011

MORE than half a mile of fruitful hedges have been planted around two schools.

Pupils from Hayling College and Mengham Junior School, Hayling Island Horticultural Society and Havant councillors picked up their shovels and got planting.

Bill Biggs, from the horticultural society, said: ‘The hedge will grow to make an attractive green edge to the college field and that is good for people and good for wildlife.

‘The hedge will form the boundary around the area which will be used by the college, which will be able to benefit from the free food.’

Pupils will use the berries and nuts from the hedges, which have been donated by the Tree Council, in cookery classes.

And they are hoping to sell what they make.

Margaret Lipscombe, from The Tree Council, said: ‘This is a great project for anyone with an interest in food and the environment.’