Have your say at inquiry into controversial Bedhampton housing plans

Published in the Portsmouth News on Wednesday 9th November 2011


CAMPAIGNERS against a new housing estate have urged residents to make their views known before it’s too late.

Plans for 92 new homes in a field off Scratchface Lane, Bedhampton, were turned down by Havant Borough Council in May.

One of the main reasons was that the homes would be too close to the A3M motorway and it would be too noisy to expect people to live next to it.

Developer Crayfern Homes has appealed against the decision and a public inquiry is to be held in the new year.

Representations must be made to the government’s planning inspector by Friday.

Ray Cobbett, from Havant Friends of the Earth, has already written to the planning inspector to express the group’s views.

He said: ‘We believe the construction of new homes on a green field site only metres from an increasingly noisy and polluting motorway strikes at the heart of the principle of providing a better quality of life now and in the future.’