British weather fails to stop Leigh Park tree hunt

Published in the Portsmouth News on Tuesday 1st November 2011


THE rain may have poured, but it failed to dampen spirits as residents took part in a fact-finding tree hunt.

Twenty-five people took part in the tree hunt at Leigh Park Gardens.

As well as learning about the various oaks and elms, participants also planted 40 new trees.

The day was organised by Havant Borough Council.

In August the event was cancelled due to heavy rain, but organisers decided to carry on regardless this time.

Mayor of Havant Ken Smith took part in the hunt with his wife Hazel, the Mayoress, and completed the route with Ralph Cousins, a volunteer tree warden.

He said: ‘I’m pleased to say spirits were not dampened, quite the opposite in fact. It was a great opportunity to spend time walking the route with families from the borough and planting trees together to enhance the woodland area. Ralph was very knowledgeable about the trees en route and explained the role of volunteer tree warden’.