Havant FOE Newsletter - December 2021

COP26 – What did it achieve and what should we do next?

Join us to discuss these issues on Wednesday 8th December at 7pm.
To sign up and get details: https://actionnetwork.org/events/after-cop26-what-next

Also see our page about COP26 on the Havant Climate Alliance website


Remind the Prime Minister to keep his Glasgow promises

The Climate Coalition, Christian Aid, ONE and Tearfund are getting supporters can sign an e-petition to add their name to a 3m tall Christmas Card which will be delivered to No 10 on the 15th December, and also send their own Christmas Card to the Prime Minister, to call for greater climate ambition.

Find out more and sign here

Friends of the Earth Petitions

FOE have several petitions running to sign against oil and gas exploration and support for fossil fuel projects overseas.

Take a look at their Take Action pages https://friendsoftheearth.uk/latest/actions

Green Jobs

There are lots of ways to transform our economy and create worthwhile jobs as we do so. The Campaign against Climate Change has produced a new book to show how this can be done. The authors will be telling us more at a meeting on 13th December, organised by the Portsmouth COP26 coalition


Havant Borough Council’s Climate Action Plan

Havant’s Climate Action Plan has now been published but not yet approved. You can view the Council’s Climate Strategy and the Action Plan on their website at https://www.havant.gov.uk/climate-change-and-environment

Do have a look and share your comments with us at [email protected]

The Police Bill

If the Bill was not alarming enough before, the Government has just added a whole lot of new clauses which is to make protests virtually impossible.

Have a look at what FOE has to say https://campaigning.friendsoftheearth.uk/news/latest-news-policing-bill-campaign