£10m plan to stop Langstone Harbour sewage pollution

POLLUTION Langstone Harbour has had raw sewage pumped into it

Published in the Portsmouth News on Monday 24 October 2011

Story by Jeff Travis


SOUTHERN Water has promised to fix the pumping station that has caused pollution problems in Langstone Harbour.

Work is set to begin next year on improving Fort Cumberland at Eastney.

The water firm initially said it could not guarantee the improvements would be completed until 2015.

But bosses have now confirmed the work costing £10m is set to begin in the autumn of next year.

It should bring an end to raw sewage being pumped into the harbour whenever there is heavy rainfall.

As reported in The News Southern Water was fined £50,000 in April for 36 illegal discharges last year from the outfall pipe in Eastney.

The problem lies in the filters becoming blocked during periods of heavy rain when the pumps cannot cope with the volume of water.

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