A decade of success for Friends of the Earth

Published in the Portsmouth News on Saturday 8th October 2011


A GREEN action group has toasted 10 successful years.

Looking back over the past decade Ray Cobbett, co-ordinator of Havant Friends of the Earth, said members had helped turn the town greener.

‘The high spot was our first ever Havant Goes Greener week in May which attracted over 1,500 people from across the borough’, Mr Cobbett said.

He also counted last year’s green election hustings, opposing and sometimes winning local campaigns against development and protecting local habitats and promoting local shops as achievements for the group.

He said: ‘We are working with Havant and Hampshire councils and agencies helping them along the long road towards real sustainability.

’We must continue to punch above our weight as the scale and seriousness of the challenges facing our planet grows.’

The campaign group’s websites and green week with Havant Borough Council were both nominated for awards at the Friends of the Earth national conference in Nottingham recently.