Campaigners fear green gaps ‘could be lost forever’

Published in the Portsmouth News on Thursday 6th October 2011


COUNTRYSIDE campaigners have warned that developers could be given a ‘free-for-all’ because of Havant council’s current planning rules.

The Campaign to Protect Rural England said green gaps between towns could be swallowed up by homes in the wake of the government changes to planning.

Havant Borough Council has a target to build 6,300 homes over the next two decades.

But the CPRE is worried as no sites have yet been officially identified to accommodate these homes.

It says developers could be granted permission for controversial applications, especially as the government wants to introduce new, simpler national planning rules by April of next year.

Local CPRE spokesman John Briggs said: ‘For a local plan to be up to date under the new national planning rules, it must detail specific sites for development.

‘The council has yet to complete its work on the site allocations document.

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