Dunsbury Hill Farm Site Development

Portsmouth City and Havant Councils are preparing a planning application for this 43 hectare site between Waterlooville and Leigh Park. It is the largest green field site for miles around to be zoned for future employment development. As agricultural land it is a source of food as well as important habitats for various plants and animals and includes Sites of Importance to Nature (SINCS).

The council’s aim is almost solely economic, to create, they claim up to 3000 new jobs near to areas of historically high unemployment. Few details exist of the type of employment but a hotel and conference centre is proposed as well as an enterprise centre with an overall mix of 80% general industrial and 20% storage and distribution. The opening of the Hindhead tunnel and site’s nearness to the A3M makes it attractive to distributors.

A full environmental impact study will be required but it is already clear there will be serious issues of traffic volumes, access, pollution, public transport as well as on local wildlife. For more info: Click Here