Volunteers needed for island wildlife


Published in the Portsmouth News on Friday 12th August 2011


VOLUNTEERS are needed to help with wildlife conservation.

Hayling Island has several protected sites where the volunteer beach wardens will be based. Beach wardens carry out tasks which include monitoring, scrub clearance, path improvements, beach cleans and litter surveys.

The tasks are vital in maintaining the biodiversity of the 250 hectare site, which contains the largest area of sand dunes and shingle beach in Hampshire, and encouraging more wildlife on to the site.

The group was set up by volunteer charity TCV (The Conservation Volunteers, formally BTCV), in association with Havant Borough Council which owns the site. It is part of a two-year project which will eventually be run independently by beach wardens in the group. There are still places available on the free training course.

For more information

Visit the TCV website