Havant FOE Newsletter - April 2020

We do hope everyone is keeping safe. We are sorry not to see you all but hope you are all keeping well and not too depressed by the current situation. Don’t forget that if you want to help in your own community (or need help) contact Community First for ideas: https://www.cfirst.org.uk/

We thought we’d try and send out regular newsletters as it’s more important than ever that we stay connected in this time of social distancing and self-isolation, and of course our concerns about the environment still need addressing urgently.

FOE Online Meeting Thursday 16th April at 7.30pm

Do join us for a FOE catch-up meeting via the video conferencing platform Zoom, organised by Anne Sayer.

To join in with the FOE meeting you’ll need to download the Zoom video conferencing software beforehand, but after that it’s pretty easy to use. There are various ways you can join in, either via a PC, MAC, tablet or phone. Just search on the Google play store or Apple App store for Zoom Cloud Meetings.

Zoom Meeting Link
https://zoom.us/j/136687560      Meeting ID: 136 687 560

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