Havant-campaign group raise awareness about single-use plastic waste

Published in the Portsmouth News on the 16th March 2018


A CAMPAIGN group is working to raise awareness about plastic waste.

Havant Friends of the Earth said it would join forces with groups Surfers Against Sewage and Final Straw, to promote the reduction in the use of single-use plastic across the borough.

Sue Holt, coordinator for Havant Friends of the Earth said at the group’s latest annual general meeting: ‘Plastic waste is choking our rivers and streams and killing wildlife in our seas.

‘In just one week the USA alone discards enough plastic bottles to go round the planet five times.

‘Plastic waste is a public enemy’

We responded to Havant Borough Council’s Draft Local Plan 2036 with serious concerns about the significant loss of green space and impact of development on the quality of clean air and water.’

At the meeting the group said has been active throughout the year with talks and films on bats, bees and sustainability, as well as manning information stalls at public events.