Plastic Free Coastlines - Surfers against Sewage

Surfers against Sewage are calling on people to unite against the growing impact that throwaway culture is having on our planet.

The ocean sustains us, our wellbeing and the planet. Every day millions more pieces of single-use plastic are being poured into the ocean injuring and even killing wildlife, threatening ecosystems, livelihoods and our happiness.

We are the resistance to the plastic pollution problem and to solve it, we need your help.

At least 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean every year.


Be a Community Leader

We need 125 Community Leaders like you to come forward and unite communities to create Plastic Free Coastlines. We’ve designed a Community Toolkit for you to take on the challenge of reducing reliance on single-use plastics in order to become one of the first ever Plastic Free Coastlines Communities.

Inspired by the Fairtrade movement, together we’ll empower local councils, community organisations, educational institutions, restaurants, cafes and similar local amenities to stop providing the option of throwaway plastic items in their venues and provide alternative solutions instead.

We’ll raise awareness about the growing plastic pollution crisis and how we can all play our part in reducing society’s plastic footprint. Single-use plastic items such as plastic cutlery, coffee cups and plastic water bottles are just the start and we invite you to see just how far we can go together in our shared vision of Plastic Free Coastlines!

To find out more about becoming a Community Leader, please email our Plastic Free Coastlines team on [email protected] to find out more.

Take Action Today

  • To find out more about what you can do today, join the resistance to Wasteland and download your Individual Action Plan
  • Let us know when you have Refused, Recycled, Reused or Refilled for Victory against Wasteland by snapping the evidence and tagging us on social…

#RefuseForVictory  #RefillForVictory  #ReuseForVictory  #RecycleForVictory