Havant town centre residents turned out in force at Bosmere Junior School to question election candidates on a range of local issues. Most agreed with the joint statement made by the coalition and opposition party leaders that climate change was now one of the most serious threats facing mankind.
Parts of the south coast were only metres above average sea levels and tens of millions pounds would be needed to protect residents against rising water levels. More renewable energy capacity such as solar and geothermal are needed and all new south facing houses should incorporate solar roof panels.
While brown field land was the preferred option for new housing it was inevitable that in such a popular area as the south coast, green land would be developed. Some panellists attacked the government’s future spending cuts suggesting they were more political than financial.
The candidates were asked what steps they would take to ease multiple deprivation in Leigh Park and also whether an MP should get involved in local planning disputes. Special needs education funding was discussed and there were concerns about future defence and foreign aid.
Panel chair, Ray Cobbett, from Friends of he Earth that organised the event, said,” It was a very engaging evening with more questions than we had the time to answer”.
A straw pole at the start of the meeting showed that everybody present intended to vote, but only half had decided who for.
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